april makeup basket

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hello april!

another month, another rotation of beauty products!  again this month i went with a combo of things i’m trying to use up, things i love, things i’m not sure about and things i haven’t tried yet! i’m really trying to rotate through things, in part because my goal is to get my collection down to the products i love.

here’s what i’m using this month!


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may makeup basket rewind

thought of the month

some products seem to surprise me.  whether it’s the foundation i’m sure i’m going to finish that ends up not close to being finished, or the blush i think i love that i’m not impressed with.  these monthly makeup baskets have been a good way for me to use products in a timeframe that doesn’t make me bored with things but allows me to determine if i really do like something.

i set some goals to finish products  for my may makeup basket in my april makeup basket rewind.  now its time to see how i did

last month’s goals

oh the way things work! by the time i finished the chanel foundation i had fallen in love with it in combination with my make up for ever ultra hd foundation.  I’m currently missing it.  i am trying to work through products but i may repurchase in the future.

now for my goals for my june makeup basket!

this month’s goals

april makeup basket rewind

thought of the month

some products seem to surprise me.  whether it’s the foundation i’m sure i’m going to finish that ends up not close to being finished, or the blush i think i love that i’m not impressed with.  these monthly makeup baskets have been a good way for me to use products in a timeframe that doesn’t make me bored with things but allows me to determine if i really do like something.

i set some goals to finish products  for my april makeup basket in my march makeup basket rewind.  now its time to see how i did

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april makeup basket

another monthly makeup basket!  i find these are really helpful for me.  not only am i rotating through products but i am using things up and getting a true idea of whether or not i like things.  i mean limiting what i can use for a month means that i really have time to decide if i do or do not like something.

this is also a good way to see how long products really do last.  i swear there are fairies that run through my vanity at night and refill products i thought i would be finished with!

this months goals

here’s what i’m using this month!

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